Planning December 2011

Planning December 2011

coverSea Science

Marine spatial planning is changing the way we deal with oceans and coastlines. Mark J. Spalding and Hooper Brooks explain the concept in Planning Practice.

Turning Brownfields Into Parks

Green grass and greenbacks in unexpected spots: a Sustaining Places story by Peter Harnik and Ryan Donahue.

Great Places in America

APA applauds 30 notable places. Ruth Knack provides a wrap-up.

Signs of a New Regionalism?

The New York metro area revisits a traditional concept. Corry Buckwalter Berkooz reports.

Sidebar: Building Climate Resilience in New York City

Sidebar: Putting Livability First

Birdbrain Scheme or the Big Idea of the Century?

Paul Haeder asks whether 'green' goals are permanent or a passing fancy.

Megapolitan America

An excerpt from a new Planners Press book suggests a novel way to slice and dice our megacities and regions. By Arthur C. Nelson, FAICP, and Robert E. Lang.

2011: A Year of Extreme Weather

Meghan Stromberg and Kirstin Kuenzi review what happened in the nation's hardest hit areas.


Measuring livability, UN land swap.

Legal News

Scuba divers, Lake Erie access.

By the Numbers

Statistics in the news, compiled by APA's Research Department. This month: hard science.

Research You Can Use

Reid Ewing assesses climate change studies.


Planners in the schools, solar in Seattle.

Planners Library

Still sprawling, looking at landscapes.


New reports, blogs, videos, etc.


First Wisconsin, then the rest of us.

Cover: Lobstering shack and traps, Maine. Photo ©, Diane Diederich.